About AFSC

What: The Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County was founded to help equip Christians in the defense of The Faith in the postmodern world in three related areas: 1) Creation vs. Evolution,  2) Christian Apologetics and 3) Biblical Worldview. AFSC provides a local Forum in the North Snohomish County area for lectures and DVD programs by knowledgeable presenters on these topics. All presentations are given with the presupposition that the Bible is God’s inspired Word and inerrant in its original autographs. The Bible is a total worldview that speaks to all disciplines and areas of our life. More on AFSC at http://ApologeticsForum.org.

Why: Studies done by Answers In Genesis (AIG), documented in the books Already Gone and Already Compromised, show that more than 60% of youth raised in the church leave the church once they leave home. The main reasons are 1) they are looking for more answers to their hard questions and 2) they are being indoctrinated in secularism and evolutionism. See also these Koinonia House articles. In reality believers of all ages need to be equipped to address challenges to The Faith in our postmodern world.

How: Monthly AFSC meetings are held at Atonement Free Lutheran Church, 6905 172nd St. NE, Arlington, WA. Each meeting includes a lecture or the showing of a DVD on a topic within the scope of the Forums mission. There is time for discussion on the topic presented, followed by exhibits with books/DVDs for sale, and refreshments. AFSC creates a Forum where Christians can learn from each other, ask the hard questions about The Faith, Creation and Worldview, and receive the support of a community of Christian thinkers. The Forum equips Christians with well-researched information on issues that seek to challenge the truth of Christianity as revealed in the Bible.

Oversight: AFSC is a non-denominational Apologetics Forum run by a Board of Directors whose members have knowledge in the topics discussed at AFSC meetings and have a strong interest in providing and supporting an environment for participants to gain well-researched information in the defense of the Christian faith.

AFSC Core Principles

  • AFSC is a Forum for Apologetics to help equip believers in the defense of The Faith in three related areas: a) Creation vs. Evolution, b) Christian Apologetics, and c) Biblical Worldview.
  • AFSC is committed to the absolute truth and authority of the Bible as God’s inspired Word, inerrant in its original autographs.
  • Provides resources such as lectures, books, DVDs, lending library, website, social media.
  • Provides evidence (fact, reason, experience) for the truth of The Faith. [Primary]
  • Answers the claims and objections of skeptics, atheists and agnostics. [Secondary]
  • AFSC makes resources available to (but does not take the place of) parents, schools, or churches.

What We Believe

  • We are always to be ready to give an intelligent, biblically accurate defense of the Christian faith with meekness and fear. I Pet. 3:15; Matt. 22:37; Jude 3, Col. 4:5-6.
  • The Bible, in its entirety, is Gods inspired word. It is fully inerrant in its original autographs, not only concerning spiritual issues, but also in history and science. II Pet. 1:20-21; II Tim. 3:16.
  • The universe and all it contains, both living and non-living, was designed by God and created out of nothing in six days as described in Genesis. Biological changes since creation have been confined within the created kinds. Gen. 1:1-31; Ex. 20:11.
  • The Noachian Flood was an historic event, worldwide in extent. Gen. 6:17; II Pet. 3:6.
  • Acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God, Creator and Redeemer, is mankinds only path to reconciliation with God. John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16; Acts 4:12; II Cor. 5:19.
  • The biblical worldview is based on the infallible Word of God and is the foundation of all we say and do. The Bible speaks to all areas of life: ethics, psychology, sociology, science, law, politics, economics, and history. We engage our culture by thinking biblically. 1 Ch. 12:32; Col. 2:8.

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