What About AI? – Carl Kerby

WHEN: April 25, 2025 @ 7:00 pm
WHEREAtonement Free Lutheran Church
6905 172nd St. NE, Arlington, WA 98223

CONTACT:  Dr. Heinz Lycklama – 425-501-5075, EmailEvent website

Description: Join us in an engaging and thought-provoking conversation, delving into the fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Christian principles. This exploration navigates the potential benefits and ethical quandaries posed by AI. Carl Kerby commences by acknowledging God as the supreme Creator, attributing to Him the origination of human innovation. He will guide us in understanding how AI, a testament to human creativity, can be wielded as a tool to honor God’s creation by mitigating suffering, championing justice, and propelling medical advancements. The ethical dilemmas that AI presents from a Christian perspective will be examined. These include its capacity to perpetuate biases, challenge conventional concepts of free will, or infringe upon human dignity. How do we navigate these difficulties while adhering to our Christian principles? This session is curated to foster open dialogue and introspection among participants.

SpeakerCarl Kerby was first introduced to apologetics by two pilots after he’d told them evolution was compatible with the Bible, which is what he’d been taught in Sunday school. These men pulled out their Bible and showed him that what the WORLD taught wasn’t the same as what the WORD taught. With 50% to 88% of the younger generation raised in the church leaving the church by the age of 18, Carl’s desire is for them to KNOW what they’re walking away from. This can only happen if they’re able to critically think and evaluate arguments so they can determine truth.

Carl would say he doesn’t enjoy speaking, at times he’s terrified of it. However, seeing people get excited because they realize they can trust the Word of God inspires him to continue on. When he’s not speaking, Carl loves being with his family and friends. He also enjoys the ocean – snorkeling, boogie boarding or fishing. Carl has two honorary Doctorates and a degree in Biblical Studies. However, his most important credentials would be SSBGTFIC – (Sinner Saved By Grace Through Faith In Christ) and husband/father and grandfather. Carl’s talks can be found here.

Meeting Documents:

Lecture recording:

  • Video recording of lecture on YouTube here.

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