Math Links to collections of information on mathematics that confirms the truth of Scripture on various Apologetics websites.
- has discussion on the improbability of evolution from a statistical perspective and the need for integrity in science.
- Answers In Genesis (AIG) presents articles on mathematics and logic.
- Conservapedia gives a general description of math and describes its main branches.
- Creation Ministries International (CMI) has articles on information theory and probabiliby and statistics with applications to biology.
- Creation Science 4 Kids has information on relating math to creation and evolution written by a home-schooling mother and is presented on a student level.
- CreationWiki has a list of many articles on mathematics and mathematicians as related to creation and intelligent design.
- From Thinking to Believing is in German with translation normally available online. Dr. Werner Gitt, a distinguished information scientist, presents several articles on science, information, and faith.
- Got Questions Ministries answers questions about math.
- Institute for Creation Research (ICR) has many articles on math and logic.
- NW Creation Network presents a testimony by a mathematician.
- The Creation Club is a place for biblical creationists to share and learn about math and logic.